Applications must be submitted by a team that includes at least one cancer researcher and one bioinformatics researcher, either or both of whom should be junior faculty, postdoctoral investigators, or doctoral candidates at an NCI-designated Cancer Center, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Basic Laboratory Cancer Center, or their associated educational institutions.

Funding will be awarded to a U.S. institution, while work may be accomplished in collaboration with international researchers. As a general rule, ICI limits the number of major grants to one per institution at any given time. Organizations receiving the ICI funds must be currently recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity under sections 501(c)(3) or 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. When collaborating with international researchers, the U.S. institution must certify that they will handle the funds according to the terms of U.S. laws and the grant. Provided that these requirements are met, there is NO limit to the percentage of the grant that can go toward the work of the international researcher.